
Showing posts from May, 2021

Mike Dunn Quit the Boogaloo Bois

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Mike Dunn Quite the Boogaloo Bois Mike Dunn Now Former Boogaloo boi rumor has spread from what seems to be from Mike Dunn that he has quit in a message Mike Dunn writes. For what is written is what we know about Mike Dunn now Ex representative of the Boogaloo bois. All rights reserved for @ 2021

Old Footage shows George Floyd being arrested and place into a police car with less resistance.

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Old Footage shows George Floyd being arrested and place into a police car with less resistance. Old but new footage to George Floyd being arrested, the Old Footage of a pervious arrest show George Floyd being arrested with less resistance and actually being place into a police car.  click here for video of George Floyd pervious arrest All rights reserved for @ 2021

Gun Shots Ring Out in George Floyd Square on the Anniversary of Floyds Death in Minneapolis.

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Gun Shots Ring Out in George Floyd Square on the Anniversary of Floyds Death in Minneapolis.   Gun Shots Ring Out in George Floyd Square on the Anniversary of Floyds Death. Several people can be seen in the clip running for cover, while others are seen running through streets with guns drawn.  click here for video All rights reserved for @ 2021

Ted Cruz on the Antisemitism growing

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Ted Cruz on the Antisemitism Growing Ted Cruz speaking on issued of Antisemitism. click here for video of Ted Cruz speaking All rights reserved for @ 2021

Mark McCloskey Run for Senate

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Mark McCloskey Run for Senate  Mark McCloskey Run for Senate video,  click here for his campaign Run videos . All rights reserved for @ 2021

video showing a jumping in Los Angeles what said to be Palestinian protester attacking a Jewish man eating at a restaurant.

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  video showing a jumping in Los Angeles what said to be Palestinian protester attacking a Jewish man eating at a restaurant. A video of What is to be Palestinian protester in Los Angeles, attacking a Jewish man eating at a restaurant,  click here for video  has been shared out, as some say what happened is because of Joe Biden started praising Congress Women Rashida Tliab , in a statement posted by To Hell with Liberals says. " Hamas supporters hunt down Jews in Los Angeles after Joe Biden publicly praised antisemite Congresswoman RashidaTlaib for urging Democrats to take action against Israel for what she calls human rights violations." "This is Joe Biden's Build Back Better where Hate, Segregation and Communists divide citizens into groups for control and Domestic Terrorism is admired." "This is not America anymore!" All rights reserved for @

New Footage of Capital Hill police working with protesters

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  NEW FOOTAGE OF CAPITAL HILL AND POLICE WORKING WITH PROTESTERS.  Newly Footage shows cops working with Protesters allowing them to do things peaceful and much more insight on Capital Hill.  click here for video  All rights reserved for @ 2021

Joe Biden Refused to answer a reporters Question unless she got in front of a truck so he could run over her

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Joe Biden Refused to answer a reporters Question unless she got in front of a truck so he could run over her A video of Joe Biden testing a truck, as a reporter asking about Isreal, leads to Joe Biden replying that he answer her question if she got in front of the truck so he could run her over.  click this link for Video All rights reserved for @ 2021

A Saturday March for liberty in Kentucky Lexington turns into counter protest against Black lives matter and Palestinian protester against Isreal.

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  A Saturday March for liberty in Kentucky Lexington turns into counter protest against Black lives matter and Palestinian protester against Isreal.  Past few weeks I have been going out and doing some advocating and protesting in different movements of my own in Kentucky Lexington, as so I have been doing Saturday march for liberty, armed with AR15 and two side arms. When facing the second March I had came by what was actually Black lives matter working with Palestinian people to protest and call out Isreal as a racist nation, so I took the time to counter protest them using similar tactics they use. As so they, started one side if the street and made there way across to engage me with more counter protest, after asking if I was peaceful one women ask as I answer yes and she wanted a fist bump, but I wouldn't, and had her go get sanitizer to do if I was going to do so. In the end a women had striked more interesting issues with as first she did

Palestinian take over Lod

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  PALESTINIANS TAKE OVET LOD Riots break out in Lod across the seas as Israeli people have taken fire, as indifference come about over the bombings in Israel, Palestinians take to the street taking over part.  click here for small clip of what happening over seas All rights reserved for @ 2021

Jim Crow Law 2.0 explained by Ted Cruz

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  JIM CROW LAW 2.0 EXPLAIN BY TED CRUZ  Ted Cruz touched on Jim Crow Laws in relating it to a new form which Ted Cruz writes on Facebook,  click here to hear Ted Cruz speak on Jim Crow laws "Jim Crow laws were bigoted, racist, and disenfranchised millions of people. Those laws were drafted by Democrats and implemented by Democrats to keep Democrats in power. Today, Democrats are doing it again. The Corrupt Politicians Act is Jim Crow 2.0." ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR @ 2021

Ted Cruz speaking on the S1

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  TED CRUZ SPEAKING ON THE S1 Ted Cruz speaking on the S1, and his position on the democratic party pushing it.  click here to hear Ted Cruz speaking on the S1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED FOR @ 2021

Gas Shortage

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  GAS SHORTAGE  In what in a description of South Carolina gas shortage, someone posted a video and writing. "Gas shortages and inflation are back! Gas shortages in South Carolina. 🤦‍♂️" click here for video All rights reserved for @ 2021

Ted Cruz on the right of the voters

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  TED CRUZ ON THE RIGHT OF THE VOTER  Ted Cruz posted on Facebook in saying,  "The Corrupt Politicians Act is a massive political power grab to keep Democrats in power and steal the rights of voters." On fox news he speaks out.  click here to hear Ted Cruz speak on the issue All rights reserved for @ 2021

an attack on Israel

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  AN ATTACK ON ISREAL An attack on isreal, leaves a good sign of defense from what is called the iron dome, that was able to stop incoming attack upon isreal.  click here for video . All rights reserved for @ 2021

Spike Cohen Dont these Politicians see the issues with laws they pass

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Spike Cohen Dont these Politicians see the issues with laws they pass Spike Cohen is a libertarian runner from 2020 libertarian party movement as a vice president, under Jo Jorgensen running for president. In recent post Spike Cohen share about issues of law makers and unintended consequences of them. In One post he talks about Drug Free Zones in writing. While we were walking and talking with folks around downtown Murfreesboro, we came across these signs. They've ruined countless lives. "Drug Free Zone" laws were passed in the 80s and 90s to stop drug dealers from targeting children, presumably because lawmakers didn't consider how stupid that sounded. They impose harsh minimum sentences to anyone who possesses drugs within 1000 feet of any school, park or playground, because those places are only for big pharma to sell drugs to kids. The problem is, it doesn't matter if you're possessing those drugs for perso

Wells Fargo protests over line 3 pipeline

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  WELLS FARGO PROTESTS OVER LINE 3 PIPELINE. A protest took place over Wells Fargo line 3 pipeline, as protesters used what looks like oil and barrels of oil during.  click here for the video  All rights reserved for @ 2021

Floyd Mayweather drops in on Jake Paul

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Floyd Mayweather and Jake Paul   Floyd Mayweather and Jake Paul  meet up as what looks to be a Drop in by Floyd Mayweather and his group, have Jake Paul on the scramble. face to face Floyd and Paul   click here for video of when they first meet up   after Math of floyd and jake encountered All rights reserved for @ 2021

From the desk of Donald J. Trump

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  FROM THE DESK OF DONALD J. TRUMP From the new platform Trump has established for communication, Donald Trump writes. The Fake News Media, working in close conjunction with Big Tech and the Radical Left Democrats, is doing everything they can to perpetuate the term “The Big Lie” when speaking of 2020 Presidential Election Fraud. They are right in that the 2020 Presidential Election was a Big Lie, but not in the way they mean. The 2020 Election, which didn’t even have Legislative approvals from many States (which is required under the U.S. Constitution), and was also otherwise corrupt, was indeed The Big Lie. So when they try to sell the American people the term The Big Lie, which they do in unison and coordination, think of it instead as the greatest Fraud in the history of our Country! An even greater Hoax than Russia, Russia, Russia, Mueller, Mueller, Mueller, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, or any of the other many scams the Democrats p

Ted Cruz on the Road with Gleen Youngkin

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  TED CRUZ ON THE ROAD WITH GLENN YOUNGKIN. Ted Cruz has hit the campaign trail in support for Glenn Youngkin, he goes to speak in a video speaking on. As extreme as Barack Obama was, Joe Biden has said, “Hold my beer.”  click here for Ted Cruz speaking on the campaign trail Ted Cruz also add in That's why we need people like Glenn Youngkin in office.  Glenn Youngkin Link that was posted by Ted Cruz Ted Cruz has also posted this for National Day of Prayer. All rights reserved for @ 2021

Mitch McConnell gives update after coming back from Washington

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Mitch McConnell gives update after returning from Washington  Mitch McConnell has gone to Washington and return and has much to conclude on issues as he speaks to the public.  click here for video of Mitch McConnell speaking on issues after returning from Washington All rights reserved for @ 2021

constitutional carry was sent back HB 1927

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY SENT BACK HB1926  Texas Gun association have posted a video and speaking on the issue of the HB 1927 being sent back.  click here for video They also go to say, It’s not over yet.  Because of Senate amendments added to HB 1927, Constitutional Carry is back in the House. Tell Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and Speaker of the House Dade Phelan that there is no excuse not to pass Constitutional Carry now! link Texas Gun Rights posted click here All rights reserved for @ 2021

Texas Senate pass constitutional carry HB 1927

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  TEXAS SENATE PASS CONSTITUTIONAL CARRY HB 1927 Texas Senate had pass constitutional carry in Texas, as so HB 1927 has succeeded bringing Texas to more of a constitutional State for Gun owners.  click here to listen to to a video on it . Sign your petition to encourage Governor Abbott to sign it into law right away! All rights reserved for @ 2021

man claim people should be in prison over mask 25 years

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  MAN CLAIMS PEOPLE SHOULD BE IN PRISON FOR 25 YEARS WITH NO MASK Man makes crazy claims over mask, saying people should be jailed 25 years for not having one.  click herhere for video All rights reserved for @ 2021

women shops in plastic box

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Women shops in plastic box Viral video from tick tock shows women shopping in a plastic box.  click here for video All rights reserved for @ 2021

women claims she wasn't on phone but cop cam cacatches her lying.

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  women claims she wasn't on phone but cop cam cacatches her lying. Women tells on her self as cop walks up on her with a body cam catching her in the lie. click here for video All rights reserved for @ 2021

Donald Trump new communications platform

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  DONALD TRUMP NEW COMMUNICATIONS PLATFORM.  Donald J. Trump released a new communications platform, many can now subscribe to get alerts, for whatever this means just a sample of what to look forward if Donald Trump fully makes a social media platform for us then we can have an idea what type of platform we will be able to enjoy. For now it only looks like a communication spot, but if anything we can say it is progress to see Donald Trump back and rolling with a place for supporters to interact with.  Donald Trump new platform of communications click here All rights reserved for @ 2021

May Day in protland antifa vs police 2021

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  May Day in protland antifa vs police 2021 After President Joe Biden signed an order declaring may 1st loyalty day in the United states, antifa goes toe to toe with police. click here for video of antifa vs police may day 2021 A Proclamation on Loyalty Day, 2021 APRIL 30, 2021   •   PRESIDENTIAL ACTIONS On Loyalty Day, we celebrate our allegiance to the project of this great Nation and the democratic ideals woven into the fabric of our Constitution. As Americans, we do not command loyalty, but seek to earn it through our actions — including by living up to the principles enshrined in our Constitution and respecting the will of the people as reflected in the democratic process. Drawn together by the promise of equality, freedom, and justice, we are a Nation of shared ideals and strong, resilient people. Here in America, loyalty does not mean fealty to any one leader or political party, nor does it mean unthinking praise or willful ignorance of our sh

Mitch McConnell on Joe Biden frist 100 days

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Mitch McConnell on Joe Biden frist 100 days. Mitch McConnell goes to speak on Joe Biden frist 100 days, as so he also write this on Facebook.  click here for the video of Mitch McConnell speaking. President Biden's first 100 days have left much to be desired as the Far Left is calling the shots. Over a few short months, the Biden administration seems to have given up on selling actual ‘unity’ in favor of catnip for their liberal base, covered with a hefty coat of false advertising:  Mitch McConnell link he added in click here All Rights reserved for @ 2021

Ted Cruz speaking on the Joe Biden paradox and how screwed he feels about things

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Ted Cruz speaking on the Joe Biden paradox and how screwed he feels about things. Ted Cruz on the verdict about Joe Biden and Republicans of the paradox that he feels is what most Americans needs to recognize. click here for the video . Ted Cruz goes over the Republicans paradox just how screwed we are. All rights reserved for @ 2021

Kyle Beidermann lays out why Senate need to pass constitutional carry

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Kyle Beidermann lays out why Senate need to pass constitutional carry  Kyle Beidermann lay out with the Texas Gun rights association why the Texas Senate must pass Constitutional Carry NOW!  watch video click here Contact your Senator and tell them to pass HB 1927 without any anti-gun amendments contact your lawmakers click here All rights reserved for @ 2021

Bank robbery in South Africa two men avoided from being robbed in armored truck.

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Bank robbery in South Africa two men avoided from being robbed in armored truck. Two men in South Africa driving a bank truck get attacked and push around the road, as the two men avoided the robbers in there driving.  click here for video of truck robbery All rights reserved for @

Ted Cruz is sick of the enemies of free enterprise and liberty, he dont want there money

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Ted Cruz is sick of the enemies of free enterprise and liberty, he dont want there money  . Ted Cruz realised statements against Those who not helping America in his stance, as he goes to say. Ted Cruz: I’m fed up. If woke corporations declare themselves the enemies of free enterprise, the enemies of liberty, and if they fight the American people on behalf of the Radical Left, then I don't want their money.  Enough is enough.   You can also check this out that Ted Cruz posted and  click here for Ted Cruz speaking in a posted video All Rights reserved for @ 2021

Video footage of California police arresting Mario Arenales

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  Video footage of California police arresting Mario Arenales A 26 year old in California Mario Arenales Gonzalez was being approached by officers and place on the ground, As so with in five minutes the man was dead.  click here for the video . All rights reserved for @

LeBron James called names by a women at his game

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  LeBron James called names by a women at his game. In what was a video of LeBron James leaving the court in a crowded spot, a women calls out LeBron James saying how does it feel to be a pussy ass bitch, as another man start yelling at her telling her to shut her mouth and as LeBron James walks off, she was what seem like threatened by the man telling her to shut her mouth and that he remember her face and better hope something, as far the video allowed to be understood.  click here for video . All rights reserved for @

man defend himself with gasoline

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  MAN DEFEND HIMSELF WITH GASOLINE  Man defend himself with gasoline as what looks like to be a robbery in about to happen before the man turn the pump on the suspect's.  click here for video . All Rights reserved for @

communist march in Texas

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  COMMUNIST MARCH IN TEXAS. Over the weekend communist march in Texas that took place in Austin.  click here for video . All rights reserved for @

Man Tazed over mask

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  MAN TAZED OVER NO MASK Man Tazed over no mask issue, In Jupiter Florida.  click here for the video . All rights reserved for @ 2021

Did Andrew Brown family have association with the New Black panther movement.

THE GREAT REBELLION NEWS  DID ANDREW BROWN FAMILY HAVE ASSOCIATION WITH THE BLACK PANTHERS COMING TO ELIZABETH CITY. Andrew Brown family association with the black Panthers. Andrew Brown family had released statements sundays after a few days of unrest and marches took place in Elizabeth city, where Sunday they requested for peaceful demonstrations at and to be civilized and non violent. Not long before Sunday on a Saturday the New black Panthers party had made threats against the city over Andrew Brown tape that shows his death, as so a  video  was realised also with a women saying it was cleared by the family for the New Black Panthers coming to Elizabeth city and marching with Black lives matter Movement.  What message does that send as they are set now for justice, will the family be working with the group after Saturday what was said to what was said on Sunday that seems to be contradicting the Black Panther member who made the threats. click here for video of women ex

Sunday Speaking from Andrew brown family

The Great Rebellion news  Sunday speaking of Andrew Brown Family. Andrew Brown family speak out. The opening of Andrew brown family speaking held much to conclude that the family is in support for peaceful marches, as they call for a peaceful Sunday march and many show up to see the invent and attended in it. As the  Pastor speaking at the event  had raised that they are no thugs and no thug action of any type of agression on others, but peaceful movement and they was as one hole family. As so the family was given a chance to speak about things and Andrew Brown  mom and other family spoke they headed into prayer  afterward to lead on with Sunday March. sunday speaking of Andrew brown family speaking as pastor speaks about being nonviolent  much more was said towards the end and much was understood that the family was grieving the loss of Andrew Brown and wanted to reach senator and much more about the loss of there family member. much more preaching took place also over pol


NEW BLACK PANTHERS THREATEN ELIZABETH CITY FOR THE TAPE OF ANDREW BROWN DEATH. The great Rebellion news  Activists march for Andrew Brown in their eleventh day of protest in Elizabeth City, North Carolina, as the new black panther party speak out at a black lives matter march. Black Panthers at a black lives matter Movement has threatened the city of Elizabeth for the tape of Andrew Brown death, if not they will take it when they come back, as so they said they do not care for peaceful protest, that they said there be no more peaceful protests. click here for video of Black Panthers speaking All rights reserved for @ 2021