A Saturday March for liberty in Kentucky Lexington turns into counter protest against Black lives matter and Palestinian protester against Isreal.


A Saturday March for liberty in Kentucky Lexington turns into counter protest against Black lives matter and Palestinian protester against Isreal.

 Past few weeks I have been going out and doing some advocating and protesting in different movements of my own in Kentucky Lexington, as so I have been doing Saturday march for liberty, armed with AR15 and two side arms.

When facing the second March I had came by what was actually Black lives matter working with Palestinian people to protest and call out Isreal as a racist nation, so I took the time to counter protest them using similar tactics they use.

As so they, started one side if the street and made there way across to engage me with more counter protest, after asking if I was peaceful one women ask as I answer yes and she wanted a fist bump, but I wouldn't, and had her go get sanitizer to do if I was going to do so.

In the end a women had striked more interesting issues with as first she did drive by one time to call me names and I embrace what she had to say for it her right of free speech, click here for video of her first encounter.

As so a man with a gun walking around on there side had Finally made it to my side of the street joining them after they been on my side on Maga phones shouting out there issues with me as i also shouting about issues also.

Things started to get ruff when the women in the van pulled back around and park right at the stop light on the side of the road to get out and engage me even more, as so I told her to keep her distance and warned here about Kentucky state code 503.055 and that I had no duty to retreat and can meet force with force, even lethal deadly force if necessary as so use my guns to defend myself as I keep saying 503.055 if she knew what that meant.

When coming about the issue continues the way it was I set my sight on the black man with the guns and warned him he has no right if that women attacks me and committed a illegal act, that by me defending myself gives him no right to engage me or he be treated as helping someone commit such a crime in association if she did attack me and if he try to draw on me. click here for video of women in van and warning the black man with the guns about the issues and what to expect.

In all the women wanted to push me back but failed as I keep going around her, Intel at one point she push even harder to block my path of marching, and others had to remove her so that there was no larger issue coming about.

As so once a few of the people from black lives matter who was joint up with Palestinian protester in Kentucky Lexington left, I took my leave and finish the March walking back home after stopping to counter protest the issues of what they was saying out there.

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