Spike Cohen Dont these Politicians see the issues with laws they pass


Spike Cohen Dont these Politicians see the issues with laws they pass
Spike Cohen is a libertarian runner from 2020 libertarian party movement as a vice president, under Jo Jorgensen running for president. In recent post Spike Cohen share about issues of law makers and unintended consequences of them.

In One post he talks about Drug Free Zones in writing.

While we were walking and talking with folks around downtown Murfreesboro, we came across these signs. They've ruined countless lives.

"Drug Free Zone" laws were passed in the 80s and 90s to stop drug dealers from targeting children, presumably because lawmakers didn't consider how stupid that sounded.

They impose harsh minimum sentences to anyone who possesses drugs within 1000 feet of any school, park or playground, because those places are only for big pharma to sell drugs to kids.

The problem is, it doesn't matter if you're possessing those drugs for personal use.

It doesn't matter if you're in your home.

If you have illegal drugs on your person or property within 1000 feet of a school, playground or park, off to prison you go for longer than many rapists and murderers.

Now, think of your nearest city, and think of what kinds of neighborhoods are typically within 1000 feet of schools, playgrounds and parks.


This has lead to the horror that Calvin Bryant was put through.

Calvin was 21 when an older family friend kept pressuring him to get ecstacy pills for him. He told Calvin that he had helped raise him, that Calvin needed the money for his family, and that he simply had to do it.

Calvin finally relented and got his friend the pills. What he didn't know was that the friend was working for the Nashville Police.

Calvin was sentenced to 17 years in prison as a first-time offender, because Calvin lived at the Edgehill Housing Project, which was a drug-free zone.

Thus was Calvin's first offense. No children were present, and no drugs were sold to any children. The family friend was older than Calvin.

Normally, Calvin could have received a couple of years, or even probation.

Instead, he got 17 years without early release.

Thankfully, a federal judge resentenced Calvin to time served in 2009, but sadly Calvin had to spend a decade in prison before that.

There are countless stories like Calvin's across the country, people who were put in prison for decades for something that would have gotten them probation if they had lived in the same neighborhoods where the politicians who passed this nonsense live.

"Drug-Free Zone" laws are as stupid and destructive as "Gun-Free Zone" laws, and it's long past time to rid of them, along with the rest of the war on drugs.

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